Yo @Tesbie, you came to the wrong forum looking for that kind of brother.
Sorry, girl.
hey there all you singles.
it's that time in the show where we all sign in and tell a little about ourselves.
i guess i will get the ball rolling here.. my name is stephanie.
Yo @Tesbie, you came to the wrong forum looking for that kind of brother.
Sorry, girl.
i am interested in getting a list of lies that the watchtower has said or wrote in the past that could actually be proven to be as such, or, for the very least, deliberately misleading.
1. in a morning worship lecture in 2015, stephen lett said .
"rejecting false stories designed to separate us from jehovah's organization.
Hey @StephaneLaliberte, I noticed you used a recent example of deception in your opening post. The existing Governing Body's lies and misleading statements might be the best examples we can use to wake friends up with, I think. There's no "light getting brighter" fallback that way.
Check out the September 2015 Broadcast, hosted by David Splane. At eight minutes in, you can catch Splane in a verifiable LIE:
&t=540sFor those who don't watch the segment, basically what's happening between 08:00-09:30 is, Splane makes the unique claim that in 1914, the anointed people (Rutherford, Franz, Henschel, et. al.) were the "only ones who saw these signs and understood them correctly." This, apparently, is used as a proof that these were God's people on earth back then.
However, a trip down WT lane will reveal that in 1914, the doctrine being taught was that Jesus' parousia had occurred in 1874 . Rutherford, Franz and Co. were NOT looking for Christ's presence since they believe he'd already arrived four decades prior! According to Zion's Watchtower, Christ had indisputably begun ruling as king in 1878. And this continued to be taught all the way until 1932.
You remember Rutherford's campaign slogan back in the 1920's? Come on everybody, say it with me in three, two, one...
And what was he advertising, exactly? ...That Jesus had already come in 1874 and had started ruling as king in 1878.
Now, for David Splane to go on JW Broadcasting over a century later and say that those WT Presidents "CORRECTLY UNDERSTOOD" the sign, we can deduce this is nothing but a bold faced lie. This goes beyond misleading the JW audience. It is a despicable coverup and a rewriting of history.
it's amazing what you can stumble upon on the internet these days.
i just came across this site.
maybe you already knew about it, but i did not.
It's interesting when you think how Governments (both past and present) have put a ban on Jehovah's Witness literature. All these people want to do is spread their message of truth...
And here you have the Governing Body actively trying to sue Websites like avoidjw.org for merely publicizing their literature and offering these same "truths" for everyone to partake!
I'm telling you, back in the 60s, any governmental ban on the WT publications would have the Slave blowing the persecution whistle. And NOW that we have literature from the 60s FREELY available and distributable, God's sole channel of "Truth" appeals to this corrupt system's law to ban it! Go figure?!
If that's not poetic irony, I don't know what is.
oh, deary me........this is quite a sad story.. make of it what you will..
She mentioned something about her son dying and her husband not giving her a Christmas present... I don't know, but I kind of got the impression her that her son died from WT doctrine and her JW husband won't acknowledge her during the holidays? If so, it would have been more than the Vodka that triggered her violent rage .
happiness, sorrow and anger are just our emotions.. god can easily give us happiness by taking away from us the emotions of sorrow and anger.. that will happen immediately after the big a.. when you see your loved ones killed at a, you will be happy.
you no longer has the emotion of sorrow.. no one will scold you as noboby has the emotion of anger.. you will always be happy and smiling.. this is what being perfect means .
you do not label anything as good or bad.. if you are interested, register at your nearest kingdom hall.
i decided to attend my 2nd scottish exjw meetup and what a blast.
so many experiences.
it was incredibly engaging to actually meet people in the flesh and hearing their personal stories.. the damage the watchtower organisation causes to peoples lives is absolutely disgusting.
we hear a story regarding the life of thomas and emma.
she states that "when thomas and i first learnt that i was pregnant, we were both really shocked" she doesn't explain why they were both really shocked but it seems an odd reaction unless they were using the safest contraception invented or hadn't been told about the bird and the bees.two experiences that touched the heart of gb sanderson were as follows -.
in russia a jw was jailed for 6 months, the jailers did everything to try to undermine his faith, which included violence.
Emma remarked, "when Thomas and I first learnt that I was pregnant, we were both really shocked."
In the Director's Cut edition of the April broadcast, Emma actually went on to explain that her and Thomas had only been engaging in anal sex. "Miracles really DO happen," Thomas beamed, with a befuddled Emma seated uncomfortably next to him.
i found this video this afternoon: .
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zucfh2g5pfk .
below i link the article.
i thought some points on the claim were interesting.
such as how prolonged direct exposure to sunlight hurts us vs other animals, sicknesses, etc.
reasoning book pg.234 onwards ( from the jw org website):.
last days.
definition: the bible uses the expression “last days” to refer to the concluding time period leading up to a divinely appointed execution that marks the end of a system of things.
@punkofnice Wow, you give WT propaganda way too much credit if you're still using the word "reasoning" there...
"Ignorance from the Scriptures" book. Fixed it .